Essence: Unlike any before.

Key features, what awaits you?
updates and changes in the gameplay

A unique concept that you have never seen before.

The server developed by us.
The server developed by us.

This means that all updates and fixes will occur quickly and regularly.

Current chronicles with phased updates
Current chronicles with phased updates

The server will start with DK2 chronicles with phases and regular updates..

The server is based on official build Pts files
The server is based on official build Pts files

Which guarantees the stability and reliability of the server's operation.

Large international community
Large international community

Players from all over the world have gathered on our project. / Our project targets different target audiences located all over the world.

Clans and streamers
Clans and streamers

A large number of popular clans and streamers.

Availability of gaming content
Availability of gaming content

Without a P2W system with affordable prices and phased introduction of items.

Non-commercial project
Non-commercial project

All profits are reinvested into product improvement and optimization.

Modern interface
Modern interface

Optimized auto-hunt mode and other options with an enhanced gameplay.

Regular in-game events
Regular in-game events

Will bring diversity to the gameplay.

Quality support
Quality support

Our support team is ready to provide you with full and timely assistance at all stages of the game.

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Why is it worth playing on
Arcane World
Regular events and bonuses
Regular events and bonuses
Long-term project
Long-term project
Famous clans
Famous clans
Active media community
Active media community
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We are actively attracting and advertising to players from different versions of the game and regions. We pay special attention to attracting players from Latin Community.

Our goal is also to attract players from free shards and official Lineage 2 servers.

Regular events and bonuses

Regular events and bonuses

We have prepared a wide range of different events to satisfy all your gaming preferences.

Follow our announcements and news to stay up to date with all our upcoming events and promotions. Join our community and together we will create magical moments and unforgettable adventures.

Long-term project

Long-term project

We strive to create a friendly and supportive community where every player feels important and respected. Your contribution and activity is the engine that helps us to develop and become better.

Famous clans

Famous clans

We invite legendary and powerful clans that have earned recognition and respect in the gaming world to our server. Here you will find the perfect place to display your clan's power, strategic prowess and solidarity.

Active media community

Active media community

Our media community is a dynamic and inspiring platform where you can share your ideas, create content, participate in competitions and much more. We strive to create a friendly and supportive environment where every member can unlock their potential and enjoy interacting with other members.

We work with popular CLans and streamers to make our project more famous and recognized in the gaming community.


Living Legends
Living Legends


Good day!

Our clan started on Arcane, and everyone is happy and satisfied! No one expected such rich gameplay on the server. I believe Arcane World will be memorable for many players. Outstanding fun for both mid and big wars! Constant epics, sieges, and endless fun in open-world PvP with 100+ people, it's pure nostalgia like it was in 2010s!!!

Good luck with the development of future projects; we'll definitely check them out!


The best files of Classic that you can find , absolute PTS.

Fast responding and active GM team rdy to help and support anytime. Very populated and long term easy to catch project.

Aways compensations and rewards for the players. Working Adrenaline protection that dont miss to bann abusers.

Rich market choice for casual or solo players.


Hello, everyone! I'm SAHONYA, the leader of the BornToBeBad Clan.

I've been playing on the gaming project for quite a while, compared to modern Lineage II servers.

The server is stable with an good player-base, offering non-standard chronicles independent of the opinions of other gaming projects. The server is genuinely good with plenty of PVP and PVE content.

The administration consistently works on improving the game and regularly adds new events and promotions to delight its players. This server is not like many other Lineage II servers.

I'm satisfied with playing on this server because it's not perfect, and that's what allows us to expect changes from the server, making it interesting. You won't be able to complete the server in one month and get the maximum from the game. Here, you will always receive new content, new locations, new Raid Bosses, instance zones, and a gradual addition of new items to the game.

I like this server, and I recommend that you also test your strength in clan battles on this project.


After 1.5 months of playing on the server, I will say the same thing I said before the start - one of the best discoveries this fall.

Classic - now one of my favorite chronicles, as someone who has played Interlude all my life (the remastered version in the last couple of years), I can say that this is really the Lineage 2 that should be.

ArcaneWorld Classic - a huge number of players, a livid market, authentic gameplay stages, enchanters 2-in-1, and much more.

The community here is much friendlier than on other projects. You can really play your game and not chase after the "tops."

So far, only positive emotions, let's see what happens next. ✌️


The only worthy classic server in the last few years. The server administration carefully monitors the project. Constant updates, events, giveaways on social networks, and so on. A sea of content on epics, sieges, and simple PvP in the field. Definitely recommend!

We wish the project further development and success!


Our clan has been actively participating in the game on the God version for over half a year, starting from April.

Since the server's launch, it has attracted a large number of players, almost reaching its capacity. After six months, the online population is still impressive: there are 50 players on each side in 'Big War,' and there are also many other random players on the server.

The version's build stands out for its high quality and provides a stable and engaging gaming experience. I recommend it to everyone!

If you're looking for more than just short-term entertainment and want to return to the golden age of official servers, this version is an excellent choice

LeoNTC and SpartianGuard


We are LeoNTC and SpartianGuard, leaders of GoldenGlory clan.

We are playing here because our clan was looking for a good and stable GoD+ Server.

Here we have found good and competitive clans that make the server have really nice pvps, drama and the most important thing: fun entertainment!

If you are looking for a real competitive server, you have to play here too!

ArcaneWorld has a level of difficulty that makes you excited to upgrade and play everyday, you know, it's "not easy" as like when you get to a random server and it's "so easy" and then after a while it gets boring - ArcaneWorld is not like these other servers - the PvP hype makes you excited to play, there's always something to do, things to upgrade, content to be played, new people arriving. It's worth it.
Admins are constantly updating things and making it easier to start, you can pve for a while to catch up and join pvp clans when you are ready and fight for Raid Bosses/Sieges/Daily PvPs

So, if you are looking for a long-term project you must play in ArcaneWorld GoD+ and have some fun!


The server reminds me of the official one from the old days. Here, I immersed myself in nostalgia - I bought pieces starting with Mid D weapons, crafted, sold, gradually increasing the grade.

Excellent player-base, responsive administration, bonuses in the form of giveaways on streams and social media.

Definitely worth joining after some time after the start, and definitely not worth missing the next openings!

Imba Shadow

ArcaneWorld, a young and ambitious project.

It is aimed at long-term play and the concept of official servers, both in terms of build quality and the direction of the server's concept. The administration often listens to their players, so players can participate in the development of projects.


Hello, everyone!

We started playing on ArcaneWorld long before the Classic version was launched.

Our acquaintance began with the GOD:Reworked Chronicles. There, our clan spent unforgettable 4 months of gaming.

As soon as we found out that the Classic server would be opening, our entire clan decided to go there.

Classic for our clan is not just chronicles; it's a place where we created our clan and developed it. Nostalgia for bygone times, battles for Epic Bosses, cunning and smart strategies at the Olympiad.

The start pleased us very much, with a large player-base and well-thought-out server stages. Practically in the first week of the game, the whole clan decided to stay here for a very long time and enjoy all the delights of Classic.

Special thanks to Peach and Lychee =)


Hello, everyone! I am the clan leader of the Elite clan.

Our clan began its activities on the Arcane World project right from the start. We came here from Essence, and we have never regretted it because to this day, the server continues to delight with its higher player-base and interesting events.

The server is perfectly balanced for an optimal and comfortable game for both people with and without donations.

Daily PvP fights for epics, raid bosses, and dragons. This is the server that many have been waiting for. PvE players won't get bored; there are plenty of farming locations, clan events, and an interesting open world of LINEAGE 2.

The best community I've seen in a long time! Adequate admins and management, always in touch with the players. An excellent Discord group where they will always help and provide any information related to the game. Let's not forget about the free einhasad coins and tarot cards with very tasty rewards.

The server has been around for more than half a year, but the admins continue to do everything for the easy start of newcomers.

Come to Arcane World - get a starter kit from the admins on Discord for a comfortable start to your character.

Enter the promo code JOINNOW - and get bonuses at the start.

I wish the admins and the server prosperity, good online, and happy players!


L2classic from ArcaneWorld is something new for us. But the chronicles turned out to be quite balanced.

We were pleasantly surprised by the interest among players from different countries around the world.

An interesting concept in terms of stages that allows any player not to fall behind the top players. Because in modern realities, not everyone can play for 10+ hours.

We enjoy what's happening on the server every day.

Neptunitooz and ViewSonic

"Mercennariorum", es una comunidad de players que actualmente se encuentra jugando al L2 en diferentes cronicas. Tenemos una comunidad limpia sin toxicos, con personas que le gusta ayudar a los demas y divertirse .

Ademas de experiencia dentro del lineage 2, en todo sentido. Te invito a participar de esta comunidad de LATAM ya sea que tengas o no experiencia en el Lineage, te guste el pvp, instancias, Raid boss, asedios, eventos y además realice eventos de la comunidad con paga en dólares y jugar con personas a largo plazo haciendo una amistad duradera, no dudes en ponerte en contacto por discord del servidor a ViewSonic.

Elegimos L2 Arcane World y porque sentimos que es un servidor diferente a otros, con ganas de progresar y estable.


The server is absolutely top-notch. An interesting project. My friends and I reminisced about the days of RUOF, and I recommend everyone to start on this project.

Sasha Pixel

We were very happy to discover the L2 Classic server, with the latest adequate updates. We remembered the official server with pleasant nostalgia. Everything works well, and we really liked the server. The administration is heading in the right direction, definitely a huge thumbs up to the server!


For those who played Lineage 2 in its golden days, the Arcane World Classic Server is a trip down memory lane. Everything, from the leveling grind to the old-school PvP mechanics, will feel just like it did years ago.

This project has attracted many veteran players, for those who can’t grind 24/7 as they used to do at a younger age server has perfect settings!

You can see by each update and how the staff is handling everything that there is an experienced team behind it.

Our community from TZG was founded in Lineage 2 back in 2007 and we are glad there is such a server as this one in which we can spend time interacting and creating new adventures.


Hello everyone, I've been following this project for a year through streams and so on.

We decided to start on Arcane World Classic, and we have no regrets.

It's a young and promising project. We're playing on these chronicles for the first time, but we're enjoying everything. A big plus is that this project is focused on long and measured gameplay and has reasonable client changes that correspond to our time, such as evening epics, combined PK (Player Killing) and Siege vs. Siege, fixes for some unbalanced skills, and so on. I hope the project won't stop there and will continue to improve these chronicles and enhance its content.

I want to emphasize the responsive team of ArcaneWorld and their competence in working with the community and their commitment to improving their product.


Hello all , Conan here leader of Ephemeral

We currently playing on Arcane World a server wich have good files (PTS Official) , good managment over the seasons also its stable comunity where you can play for long time and content will be updated for everyone PvE player & PvP players

For sure everyone who thinking to join a stable project and comunity should come to server , the staff is constanlty making updates for catch up for new or not so strong players 

If you like to stream or make videos this server its very good for this , they make good rewards for those who make content so its a boost for you !

We recomend to try out the server even if u are not playing since start , you will have a serius project from staff and good comunity to play 

Hope to see you ingame , Conan


I am Marsh, the leader of the NightRiders clan.

With the clan, we have experienced many projects that are known to you, and I will say that this is truly one of the best discoveries of the year.

Those chronicles will make you feel nostalgia as if you were on your first Lineage 2 servers. Excellent player-base, responsive administration, balanced gameplay.

We have been waiting for a project like this for a long time and are happy to be playing here.

Рыжая Борода

I came to the server with friends revisit the old good hardcore - but didn't expect it to be as classic as we remember from the sleepless nights in lan houses!

Everything turned out to be so hardcore and uncompromising that we had to unite and level up online to keep up with others!

The pain and agony of losing experience and gear when dying to mobs, the joy of successful crafting and leveling up, massive raids on Raid Bosses, rune systems, bonuses... Everything here is hardcore, but at the same time, for an active player, there is more than enough to do. There's no need to rush for levels - everything you miss on one stage, you can easily catch up on the next.

We searched for something like this for a long time, where everything in the game has its value and practical use, and now we're geared up for some serious "long-hours" of gaming. Some gave up and quit, while others, on the contrary, joined a new stage - everyone has their own path, but together, it's all an exciting and truly memorable adventure that's worth returning to every prime time, in the company of old and new friends!

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Why do you choose
Arcane world!

Experienced team, reliable long-term project, servers with a unique concept.

Clan Mercennariorum
Leader: Neptunitooz, ViewSonic

"Mercennariorum", es una comunidad de players que actualmente se encuentra jugando al L2 en diferentes cronicas. Tenemos una comunidad limpia sin toxicos, con personas que le gusta ayudar a los demas y divertirse.

Ademas de experiencia dentro del lineage 2, en todo sentido. Te invito a participar de esta comunidad de LATAM ya sea que tengas o no experiencia en el Lineage, te guste el pvp, instancias, Raid boss, asedios, eventos y además realice eventos de la comunidad con paga en dólares y jugar con personas a largo plazo haciendo una amistad duradera, no dudes en ponerte en contacto por discord del servidor a ViewSonic.

Elegimos L2 Arcane World y porque sentimos que es un servidor diferente a otros, con ganas de progresar y estable.

Clan GoldenGlory
Leader: LeoNTC, SpartianGuard

We are LeoNTC and SpartianGuard, leaders of GoldenGlory clan. We are playing here because our clan was looking for a good and stable GoD+ Server. If you are looking for a real competitive server, you have to play here too!

ArcaneWorld has a level of difficulty that makes you excited to upgrade and play everyday, you know, it's "not easy" as like when you get to a random server and it's "so easy" and then after a while it gets boring - ArcaneWorld is not like these other servers - the PvP hype makes you excited to play, there's always something to do, things to upgrade, content to be played, new people arriving. It's worth it. Admins are constantly updating things and making it easier to start, you can pve for a while to catch up and join pvp clans when you are ready and fight for Raid Bosses/Sieges/Daily PvPs

So, if you are looking for a long-term project you must play in ArcaneWorld GoD+ and have some fun!

Clan Tribunal
Leader: Screet

Наш клан активно участвует в игре на версии God уже более полугода, начиная с апреля.

С момента старта сервер привлек большое количество игроков, практически заполнив его до предела. Спустя полгода, онлайн все еще остается впечатляющим: в 'Биг Варе' участвуют по 50 игроков с каждой стороны, а также на сервере присутствует множество других случайных игроков.

Сборка версии отличается высоким качеством и обеспечивает стабильный и увлекательный игровой процесс. Всем рекомендую! Если вы ищете не просто короткосрочное развлечение, а желаете вернуться к золотой эпохе официальных серверов, эта версия – прекрасный выбор.

Clan NightRiders
Leader: Marsh

С кланом мы прошли многие проэкты известные вам, и скажу я что это действительно одно из лучших открытий года.

Эти лоу хроники заставят вас почуствовать ностальгию как от первых серверов Л2. Отличный онлайн, отзывчивая администрация, баланс.

Мы долго ждали подобного проекта и довольны что тут играем.

Clan Ephemeral
Leader: Conan

We currently playing on Arcane World a server wich have good files (PTS Official) , good managment over the seasons also its stable comunity where you can play for long time and content will be updated for everyone PvE player & PvP players.

For sure everyone who thinking to join a stable project and comunity should come to server , the staff is constanlty making updates for catch up for new or not so strong players .

If you like to stream or make videos this server its very good for this , they make good rewards for those who make content so its a boost for you !

We recomend to try out the server even if u are not playing since start , you will have a serius project from staff and good comunity to play.

Clan LastRide
Leader: ColumbiaN

Лучший PTS Classic, который вы сможете найти. Активная и быстро реагирующая команда администрации, готовая помочь и поддержать в любое время.

Высоко онлайновый и долгоиграющий проект. Всегда есть компенсации и вознаграждения для игроков.

Работающая защита от ботов, которая не упускает возможности забанить нарушителей.

Богатый выбор рынка для казуалов и соло игроков.

Clan BlackRock
Leader: DOGGY

Решили стартануть на Аркане классике - и не пожалели. Молодой перспективный проект.

На данных хрониках играем впервые - но все нравится. Большой плюс что данный проект нацелен на долгую и размеренную игру и имеет адекватные изменения в клиенте которые соответствуют нашему времени,а именно: Вечерние эпики, объединённые бд+СвС, фиксы некоторых имбалансных скиллов  и т.д. Надеюсь проект не остановится на этом и дальше будет усовершенствовать данные хроники и улучшать свой контент.

Clan MADs
Leader: Dex

Единственный достойный сервер классики за последние несколько лет. Администрация сервера тщательно следит за проектом. Постоянно вносятся правки, ивенты, розыгрыши в соц. сетях и т.д. Море контента на эпиках, осадах и банальных рб в поле. Однозначно рекомендуем!

Желаем проекту дальнейшего развития и успехов!

Clan CriticalStorm
Leader: Pinkman

l2classic от ArcaneWorld для нас что-то новое. Но хроники оказались весьма сбалансироваными. Мы были приятно удевлены такому интересу среди игроков с разных стран мира.

Интересная задумка в плане стадий, что позволяет любому игроку не отставать от топов. Так как в современных реалиях не у всех выходит играть по 10+ часов.

Мы кайфуем от того что происходит на сервере каждый день.

Clan Elite
Leader: Imperious

Наш клан начал свою деятельность на проекте Arcane World с самого старта. Мы пришли сюда с Essence и ни разу не пожалели об этом,так как по сей день сервер не перестаёт радовать своим онлайном, интересными ивентами.

Сервер отлично сбалансированн для оптимально-комфортной игры как для людей с донатом, так и без.

Ежедневные пвп файты за эпики, рейдовых-боссов, драконов. Это именно тот сервер, который ждали многие. PVE игрокам не придётся скучать, есть множество локаций для фарма, клановых мероприятий и интересный открытий мир LINEAGE 2.

Clan AstroBase
Leader: Petrovich

Спустя 1.5 месяца игры на сервере, скажу тоже самое, что и говорил перед стартом - одно из лучших открытий этой осени.

Classic - теперь одни из моих любимых хроник, как человек который всю жизнь играл на интерлюде (последние пару лет ремастеред), скажу, что это действительно та л2 которая должна быть.

ArcaneWorld Classic - огромное количество людей, живой рынок, аутентичный геймплей стадии, барды 2в1 и много другого. Комьюнити здесь на много ламповее чем на других проектах. Можно реально играть в свою игру и не гнаться за "топами".

Пока одни позитивные эмоции, посмотрим что будет дальше. ✌️

Clan TZG
Leader: SplichO

For those who played Lineage 2 in its golden days, the Arcane World Classic Server is a trip down memory lane. Everything, from the leveling grind to the old-school PvP mechanics, will feel just like it did years ago.

This project has attracted many veteran players, for those who can’t grind 24/7 as they used to do at a younger age server has perfect settings!

You can see by each update and how the staff is handling everything that there is an experienced team behind it.

Our community from TZG was founded in Lineage 2 back in 2007 and we are glad there is such a server as this one in which we can spend time interacting and creating new adventures.

Clan TWG
Leader: mau0p

Играть на ArcaneWorld мы начали еще за долго до старта версии Classic.

Наше знакомство началось с Хроник GOD:Reworked. Там мы провели незабываемые 4 месяца игры нашего клана.

Буквально сразу как мы узнали что будет открываться сервер Classic. Мы всем составом клана приняли решение идти именно туда.

Classic для нашего клана это не просто хроники это место где мы создали наш клан и развивали его. Ностальгия по былым временам, баталиям за Эпик Боссов, хитрые и умные стратегии на Олимпиаде.

Старт нас очень порадовал, большой онлайн, хорошие и продуманные стадии сервера. Практически в первую неделю игры весь клан принял решение остаться тут на очень долгое время и с радостью вкушать все прелести Classic.

Clan Shadows
Leader: Imba Shadow

ArcaneWorld, молодой и амбициозный проект.

Который нацелен на долгосрочную игру, и на концепт официальных серверов. Как по качеству сборки, так и направлению концепции сервера. 

Администрация часто прислушиваются к своим игрокам, так что игроки могут принимать участие в развитии проектов.

Clan NightFury
Leader: Sasha Pixel

Очень были рады открытию л2классик сервера, на последней адекватной обнове, вспомнили офф, приятная ностальгия, все работает хорошо, сервер очень понравился, администрация работает в правильном направлении, однозначно огромный лайк серверу!

Clan BornToBeBad

Играю на игровом проекте А довольно долго для современных серверов Lineage II.

Сервер стабильный с хорошим онлайн, с нестандартными выбором хроник не зависимый от мнения других игровых проектов, сервер действительно хороший с большим количеством PVP и PVE контента.

Администрация стабильно работает над улучшением игры и всегда добавляют в игру новые ивенты и акции чем радуют своих игроков, этот сервер не такой как множество других серверов Lineage II.

Я доволен игрой на сервере, так как сервер не идеален и именно это позволяет ждать от сервера изменений что и делает сервер интересным и вы не сможете пройти сервер за 1 месяц получив от игры максимум, здесь вы всегда будете получать новый контент, новые локации, новые РБ, Инстанс зоны, постепенное добавление новых вещей в игру.

Мне нравиться данный сервер и я советую вам тоже испытать свои силы в борьбе между кланами на данном проекте.

Clan DrunkenVikings
Leader: Рыжая Борода

Пришли с друзьями вспомнить старый добрый хардкор - но не ожидали, что он будет таким классическим, как мы помним его еще со времен бессонных ночей в компьютерных клубах!

Все оказалось настолько жестким и бескомпромиссным, что пришлось хорошенько сплотиться и подтянуть онлайн, чтобы двигаться вперед и не отставать от других!

Боль и мучения при потере опыта и шмота при смерти от мобов, радость от успешного крафта и взятия очередного левела, массовые походы на РБ, система рун, бонусов... Здесь все хардкорно но, вместе с тем, для активного игрока более, чем достаточно занятий. Спешить за левелом незачем - все, что вы не успеете на одной стади - с легкостью нагоните на второй.

Долго искали что либо подобное, где все, что есть в игре - имеет свое значение и практическое применение, и теперь настроены на серьезную игру "в долгую". Кто то сломался и забил, кто то наоборот - подключился к новой стади - у каждого свой путь, но вместе это все - захватывающее и уж точно надолго запоминающееся приключение, к которому интересно возвращаться каждый прайм, в компании старых и новых друзей!

Living Legends
Clan Living Legends
Leader: Sijay

Сервер ваще топ . интересный проект. мы с ребятами вспомнили времена руофа всем советую начать на данном проекте.

Clan DarkNesS
Leader: LooLik

Стартанули кланом на Аркане и все пИс4аТТ от удовольствия! Ни кто не ожидал что на сервере будет такой насыщеный геймплей! Я думаю АрканаВорлд запомнится многим игрокам. Фан отборный как для мид, так и для БИГ ВАРа! Постоянные эпики, осады и бесконечный фан на РБ в ЦЦ 100+ человек, тупо ностальгия по 2010 ым годам!!!

Удачи в развитии следующих проектов, обязательно заглянем на огонёк!!!

Clan StreamLine
Leader: FANKA

Сервер напоминает Офф давних лет. Тут я окунулся в ностальгию - скупал куски начиная с Мид Д пушек, крафтил, продавал, постепенно повышая грейд.

Отличный онлайн, отзывчивая администрация, бонусы в виде розыгрышей на стримах и соц.сетях.

Определенно стоит присоединяться спустя время после старта и уж точно не стоит пропускать следующих открытий!
